Procedural Level Generation :
An Overview
by Fabien Fouetillou
Procedural Content Generation (PCG) is a technique for creating content via the use of well-coded algorithms,
rather than having humans handcraft it from A to Z.
In videogames, there are two mains reasons for its use ; on the developer side, it can be a good tool for
producing, in a matter of seconds, quantities of content that it would otherwise take hours/days/months to do.
On the player side, PCG with the right generation rules and correctly-dosed randomness, is a wonderful way of
discovering something new all the time, and thus add replayability.
In this paper, the focus will be on a specific kind of content: game levels. While generating a weapon with
minor stat variation can be easily achieved, generating a whole playable level and having it be coherent within
the game universe is a much harder task.
Surprisingly, publication of works on the topic of Procedural Level Generation (PLG) beyond the scope of
simplistic dungeon layouts – is scarcer than expected, therefore, not many external sources will be quoted. Even
PCG Wiki, a site dedicated to this topic, hasn't been updated for the last few years, that's why a fair share of what
will be said in this paper is based personal research and observations.
1 - Introduction
A long time ago, developers with ambitions of creating huge universes
and/or insane amount of content had
to face the issue of very constraining memory limitations. As they couldn't store all the required data on the
media, they basically had two choices: give up and go for something smaller, or find a way to generate said data
at runtime. That's where PCG comes into play.
By programming functions that can output various content depending on what parameters are passed as
input, developers worked out an efficient way of generating objects (weapons, characters, planets, etc) from
minimal amount of data. And depending on their complexity, it could actually also be faster, as creating data on
the fly with simple or optimized algorithms was usually faster than reading it from a slow storage devices.
Another typical reason for PCG is the need to add replay value to a game that might become too predictable
or boring
over time, and keep players excited by always presenting them something new. Be it yet another
variation of a shiny reward, or a whole new area to explore, it is best achieved with the use of randomness (or
more exactly pseudo-randomness) on top of a good set of rules.
That set of rules must be made with balance and feasibility in mind. And this is where things can get very
complicated: distributing points on item stats the moment it's instantiated is hardly a big challenge ; but creating
a complete level, making sure all areas are reachable, and at the same time keeping it coherent with the game's
tone and gameplay surely can become one. Especially if it needs to feel like there is a practical logic behind the
This paper aims to go deeper into the level design part of PCG, which we'll refer to as Procedural Level
Generation (PLG) from now on. External and personal researches made it clear that there is noone size fits all”
method for generating levels on-the-fly. Depending of the gameplay, and the eventual need to have a life-like
layout, many different approaches can be taken, each producing different kinds of results. Therefore, several of
them will be exposed, along with with their advantages and drawbacks.
2 - Core Techniques
Procedural Level Generation is a problem for which solutions depend entirely on the expected results. There
is no single all-encompassing solution that matches all the possible scenarios you could think of. As such, you
need to pick one – or a mix of several – to achieve what you are shooting for.
Indeed, an algorithm for generating good-looking and traversable outdoor terrain is of no use for indoor
environments, and the other way around. Developers have to use the methods most suited to their specific
needs, making it harder (or pointless) to write a generic API that could be shared across different projects.
This is not helped by the fact that each game and its gameplay/tone has different needs. Some might just
need a simple layout with no credibility requirement (somewhat easy), while some others need to have a
realistic, practical, almost architect-validatable layout (somewhat harder).
In this section, some of the most typical techniques used in videogames will be described. Unless otherwise mentioned,
all of them make the assumption that the level layout, if its fine details, is organized in a grid of square tiles. Even though it
is not the only way to do it, it is the most common and simplest way to store small scale data.
2.1 - Noise
In signal processing, noise is generally synonymous with unwanted and unpredictable modifications of a given
signal, leading to the presence of perceptible anomalies that decrease its quality. In PCG however, this
unpredictability and perceived randomness is what is needed for creating a virtually infinite amount of different
variations. Also, there is no obvious pattern or coherency in it, which makes it especially suitable for creation of
organic/natural environments. Several kinds of noise exist, and to each case, there is one that is more adapted
than the others. This section explains the most common uses for noise, and which is better suited to each
2.1.1 - Terrain
Noise-based algorithms are very terrain-friendly. In games, terrains
are generally
treated as a matrix of tiles
that serve as ground surface. To each tile is assigned an elevation value to determine where it will appear in the
vertical axis. With this technique, the application of materials to the surfaces don't need to be handmade, as
elevation values can be used to make a choice or a blending between adequate ones: Grass can be used on low
elevations, and snow on high ones. Angles can also be calculated and used to choose between ground or rock,
depending on the steepness of the slope
Generation can be very simple, a first pass would consist of high amplitude and low frequency noise for
creating the basis for large natural structures. Low elevations can be bottom of lakes, or low altitude ground, and
high values be plains or mountains. Perlin noise is usually a good candidate for such tasks, as it's a smoothed
noise that easily makes natural-looking height maps.
Then on a second pass, adding a lower amplitude but higher frequency noise is all it takes to add interesting
irregularities on what would otherwise be dull terrain. A third pass with even higher frequency but also lower
amplitude can then add the last touch of local transformation that are better seen when visited on foot.
That part was only for the rough terrain geometry, though. It has no gameplay value yet, no decoration, and
bad luck with the values may cause navigation problems, such as unreachable areas. There are means to
circumvent the problem, but as it has nothing to do with noise, it will not be discussed here.
2.1.2 - Population
Another use for noise is level population, which consists in
adding more details and/or gameplay elements to the world
(enemies, treasures, etc).
With the use of a grainy kind of noise, such as the white noise
below, and by choosing the right min/max values and thresholds, it
is very quick to mark a coordinate as candidate for spawning a tree,
without fear that they won't be uniformly placed.
Different values and semantics can be used to place monsters
or items instead of trees.
2.2 - Cellular Automata
A cellular automaton is a model in which a
grid is filled with cells that are set randomly or
arbitrarily to one of two or more possible
states (generally dead or alive). Those cells are
set independently from each other, as the goal
is to animate the grid by making them, on each
tick, change their state according to the states
of their neighbors.
This concept was popularized by John H.
Conway and his Game Of Life
, a game without
player that consists in placing setting some
cells to alive” on the grid, and watch patterns
evolve from them following some simple rules.
Considering a cell can have four neighbors in
the standard model: a live cell dies if it has less
than two or more than three neighbors, or
stays if it has two or three. Dead cells take life
when surrounded with exactly three live cells.
This simple idea, by replacing the rules and semantics with more appropriate ones, can be used to generate
natural-looking bases for lands or caves for games that use a tile-based grid.
2.2.1 - Cellular Automata for Caves
Very similarly to Conway's Game Of Life, every passes of the resurrects or kills cells depending on their
neighbor's state. The difference is in the rules used. Priority is on destroying cells that do not have enough
neighbors, acting like an erosion filter cleaning isolated cells or those that make walls have a sharp angle.
Reviving dead cells is done only to fill holes between live cells.
The rules usually go like this
: If a cell has three or more neighboring walls, close the hole in the wall by
making it a wall too. If a cell has three or more neighboring floors, convert it to floor. In any other case, do
After enough passes, big empty areas are created and walls are filled, leaving only holes too big to be filtered
out. Flood-filling
the floors must be done to detect the different areas. Once done, big ones can be connected by
creasing tunnels between them, and the small ones are generally filled with walls.
Creasing the tunnels can be done by drawing a line of floor cells using the Bresenham
algorithm. To make the
path broad enough to be navigable, cells within a random radius from each cell of the line are converted to floor.
Small holes inside the walls are closed by flood-filling them with wall cells.
2.2.2 - Cellular Automata for Lands
Lands can be generated by using a process very similar to the one used for caves. While the process for
generating caves takes a grid filled with noise and applies multiple passes of filtering to create floor areas
surrounded with walls, the one used for lands does replaces walls with water. Scaled to wider proportions,
regions that are considered holes for cave generation become islands. Those islands can be bridged with an
extended version of the Bresenham line algorithm if need be.
Elevation can be created using cells are the borders of the
islands as reference. By propagating an elevation value to each
neighbor and increasing (for land) or decreasing (for water) it the
further it goes from the coast, it is easy to create mountains on land
and make the bottom of the water deeper and deeper. Of course, to
add variation, that increase/decrease should use a range of values
that allow for small creases and steeper slopes in addition to the
average elevation change.
2.3 - Space Partitioning
Space partitioning is the process of subdividing an area into two or more subareas, that can themselves be
subdivided into more subareas, and so on recursively. In the process, each subarea is attached to its parent in a
tree structure, allowing for quick searches with coordinates as parameters.
2.3.1 - Binary Space Partitioning
In the Procedural Level Generation domain, this space management technique is usually well suited for
generating cities, as it naturally creates blocks of different size that never overlap and can be easily converted to
building blocks.
The most commonly used variant is Binary Space Partitioning (BSP), which consists in splitting an area in only
two parts by recursion step. Those parts don't need to be exact halves, but it is nonetheless good to keep
reasonable ratios so that none of the parts get too tiny to be useful.
In the above screenshot, BSP is applied to strictly rectangular areas and subdivided by respecting few simple
rules. An area cannot be split if it is below a certain surface size, it must always be split split if over a certain size.
Otherwise, when within the minimum and maximum size ranges, it randomly may or may not be split. Also done
randomly, when splitting, is modifying the bounds of the new areas – if they are big enough – in order to create a
gap that will become free space for a road.
Rectangle-shaped Binary Space Partitions can also be used in a similar manner for generating building
interiors. Building blocks becoming room blocks, and roads becoming corridors. But one drawback of such a
simplistic method is that the first split systematically creates a straight path from one border of the grid to the
opposite, which might be an annoyance in projects that expect players to explore a coherent but not
straightforward and predictable layout.
2.3.2 - Voronoi Diagrams
In addition to creating non-rectangular shaped city blocks, which is a much harder process than with
rectangular BSP, Voronoi diagrams
are very good pick for generating caves or lands that don't follow a tiled grid
Voronoi diagrams are tessellation graphs of interconnected polygons. They are made by distributing seed
points randomly on a surface, and connecting each point to its nearest neighbors, creating edges that are half-
way between each pair, and perpendicular to the line connecting them. Random distribution and the way the
connection are chosen might cause the polygons to have very uneven size variation, so it is often better to apply
some relaxation on the graph. Lloyd's algorithm relaxes the graph, on every pass, by moving the seed points to
the center of the previously created polygon, resulting in more evenly distributed space across the diagram.
If we consider the polygons to be cells of cellular automaton, we can apply the same principle to form the
shape of lands and lakes. White noise followed with rules for killing or reviving the cells will work here too. Albeit
with different kill/revive thresholds, as unlike square cells, they can have more than four direct neighbors.
Once the shape is made, elevation for each polygon – or better, each vertexcan be computed relative to its
distance from the closest coast (the same way as with cellular automata).
2.4 - Growth
On a grid of cells, growth is the process of propagating the properties of a cellor a group of cells to their
neighbors in order to make them become part of a same group or blend together.
It can be applied on cells after setting them with a pass of space partitioning, or simply on single cells
dropped at random or arbitrary locations over a defined space. In most scenarios, the group is always allowed to
grow on empty cells. Whether they can grow on other already assigned cells all comes down to the set of
established rules.
2.4.1 - Growth for Floor Plans
This method is especially adapted to creation of residential floor
plans that rely more on adjacency between
rooms than on the use of corridors to connect them.
In this example, three initial room positions are set, and each room is given a target size range. Then in a loop,
they are expanded in a rectangular shape until they can no longer grow. This is a case where rectangular growth
is not enough to fill all the cell, but it is not a setback, because the empty space is then filled in an L shape by the
adjacent room that was set at the beginning to require the most space.
2.5 - Modularity
The concept of Modular Design is quite simple to understand. It relies on the assembly of pieces that match
together, not unlike a jigsaw puzzle.
It can be done on several levels, from the general layout of the level to the integration of graphic assets.
While it is not specific to procedural generation, it sure is easier to build structures from compatible blocks than
program a generic solution to every possible scenario.
2.5.1 - Modular Layouts
Module-based Procedural Level Generation is the videogame equivalent of Lego City plates: they have
standardized dimensions and access points, making their roads always compatible.
In PLG, that very principle can be reused easily. The road part can be a city street, or an interior corridor, while
the green part can be free space for buildings or rooms. The plates are modules that can be assembled by setting
some rules, like preventing free-space modules to become passages, making sure it leaves enough ground for big
rooms or building blocks.
Another simpler but less restricted way is to dropping them at random, with low connectivity at first, and
then interconnecting each module to the neighbors that have a pending connection from it. For a better
distribution, it is however best to start with sufficiently spaced passage modules, or else, chances are it will
create a grid.
2.5.2 - Modular Assets
Contrary to the rest of the techniques mentioned earlier, modular assets are not a way to encourage
exploration or improve replay value. It is a mean to rapidly and/or randomly add visual variations, share common
parts between assets, or last but not least make the connection between different props or areas look
seamless without having to hand-tweak them.
Said assets can be and generally are crafted by artists because complex designs and all their variants are
harder to do get right from code. But although they are prepared by humans, the combination of their parts is
done all from code. It can be just to add cosmetic variation and delay art fatigue
, or because the generation
algorithm requires two adjacent cells to have matching connections.
Below is an example of a kit featuring several variants of plain and windowed walls. Each mesh has a set of
four different textures. They add nothing to the gameplay but prevents the eye from noticing repeated textures,
and thus a break from immersion.
Thanks to their standardized height and width (the large meshes have exactly twice the width of the smaller),
those walls can be interchangeably placed, choosing any of their variants without affecting gameplay.
For more practical gameplay concerns, modular assets allow for automatically selecting compatible and good
looking transitions for every connected part of the level layout. Grid systems make it particularly easy and
convenient to use this approach, as the logic behind placement on square tiles is the simplest of all the
The set above has the minimum required assets to make straight corridors, turns and junctions. To make a
cross junction, the level generator only has to place four outer-corner walls (block 5 in the screenshot), a floor
and a ceiling if needed. Obvious as it is, each wall has protruded bricks that blend seamlessly into every other
wall, making it hard for players to notice that they are different pieces of a whole.
2.6 - Grammars
Grammar is the set of rules that restrict how a series of elements (characters, syllables, etc) are chained.
Those rules are generally organized graphs, and more often than not of the tree kind. They can be used to
structure rules in a way that makes the content coherent within its context, adding randomness only to get
enough variation on what is otherwise a predictable logic.
2.6.1 - L-Systems
L-Systems are one of the least used techniques in Procedural Level Generation. The idea behind it is to
associate actions to a series of letters or values, with some of them possibly being a group of the other actions.
The use of recursion is a core part of this design, because it can give more detailed result for each additional
iteration pass. It is therefore closely related to fractal generation, which is, with the addition of randomness, an
excellent way to generate unique trees
at runtime.
In the case of trees, on each iteration of the generation algorithm, new branches are spawned at the tip of
already existing branches. The random variables serve the purpose of managing the angles of new branches,
their length, and sometimes whether they spawn at all. The latter parameter is not mandatory but always
welcome to prevent a too homogeneous density.
2.6.2 - Markov Chain
The Markov Chain is a graph in which each node only has a set of condition determining the next node to be
selected, as opposite to the L-System, where everything depends on the previous node. Thus, a node can lead to
several other nodes, and can be pointed to by more than one. And a node can even point to itself. This
connectivity and the way rules are set lead make the Markov Chain both predictable but more flexible. It is a
good tool to use when some pattern repetition is wanted, but with enough variation to break its lightly. Outside
of PLG, it is often used for generating music procedurally
Games with very linear gameplay and level architecture, like scrolling platformers or endless runners can
easily benefit from this approach. It is good way to make sure different types of platforms or obstacles match
correctly in continuity without breaking the gameplay or visual coherence.
In the screenshot below, the landscape or generated from a Markov Chain that is made in such a way that it
ensures navigability at all times.
The Markov Chain is also particularly suited at generating words and names that may or may not exist, but are
always readable, pronounceable, and not distinguishable from ones made up by a human. In level design, it is
then a good way to name places on procedurally generated levels, as well as the NPCs contained in them.ybrid
In the previous part, we saw some of the most used bases for Procedural Level Generation, but separately. In
practice, levels are not generated using only one techniques. The process is more often than not an association
of several of those, and depending on the required level of control by the designers, it usually includes partially
hand-made patterns, presets, and assets.
3 - Hybrid Design
In the previous part, we saw some of the most used bases for Procedural Level Generation, but separately. In practice,
levels are not generated using only one techniques. The process is more often than not an association of several of those,
and depending on the required level of control by the designers, it usually includes partially hand-made patterns, presets,
and assets.
3.1 - Mixing things up
Most of the time, each of the techniques for from the previous section have advantages and drawbacks,
target results for which they shine, and others for which they are useless. Indeed they are only programming
tools, not all-purposes magical tools. While some of them are good at several things, they cannot do everything.
Think of them as Swiss Army knives: they can do a lot of things, but will they do usually contain a knife, they
cannot fix a nail. This is why one is usually only used at a certain step of the generation, and then another one at
another step.
An example of this would be using Binary Space Partition to plan subdivisions of a grid, then fill that grid with
noise, and applying cell automaton passes on it to carve cave rooms within the con
3.2 - Level designer assistance
Procedural Level Generation doesn’t always mean that the level is mostly automatically computed.
Sometimes, it is only a tool to streamline the level design process.
3.2.1 - Prop Generation and Distribution
One often-used example of procedural shortcuts is the generation and distribution of trees and grass over
vegetation-fertile areas
Creating dozens of different trees or plants is by itself a very time-consuming task, but placing
hundreds/thousands of a instances of them by hand, one at a time, is beyond that: its time-wasting. That is why
developers prefer using tools to automate the process. First off, a good piece of code can easily generate good-
looking tree on the fly, without having them being copy-pasted instances. Creating a tree is then just a matter of
inputting/presetting good settings, like broadness of the trunk, overall size, the applied materials on branches
and leaves, etc.
Placing them is another task, which can be approached from different angles: the level designer can use a
brush to paint a bunch of trees within a chosen radius, or simply assigning a certain tree density on a given floor
material, click “distribute” and then just fine-tune the result if some slight undesirable effects occur.
3.2.2 - Modular Design
Already mentioned earlier, modularity is one of the key components for the prevention of time-wasting.
Indeed, having parts that match together as long as they are correctly aligned or their misalignment correctly
hidden is a good way to ensure that they will blend seamlessly and won’t shock the eye with bad transitions.
Making modules match also means that less time is spent creating individual meshes and more is available for
placing them
. Some amount of automation is also possible, and can even be part of the gameplay
For example, imagine the editor lets you draw rooms and corridors with simple rectangle selections or
brushes: the cells are automatically given walls if they are the border, corridor cells automatically become
junctions when two perpendicular corridors meet, or plain walls are automatically converted to walls with doors
on both cells when a door connection is added. This is the kind of feature that enhance productivity and design
iteration times considerably.
4 - Conclusion
Procedural Level Generation, if done well, is a very powerful tool. In the iterative phase of game
development, it allows for testing many different situations without having to handcraft every test level. It also
lowers the memory footprint by a huge amount, because redundant data doesn’t need to be stored, only
generated or instanced where and when it is needed. And last but not least, it enables developer to offer a lot
more replayability potential, due to the ability of adding unpredictability to the mix.
Fabien Fouetillou received a degree in Computer Science from the University of La
Rochelle, France, in 2015.
He is currently studying for a Masters degree in Videogame Programming at the
ENJMIN, the National School of Videogames and Interactive Digital Media. His interests
include game-design, graphic arts, storytelling and artificial intelligence.
1 Elite (1984)
2 Diablo 3
3 Terrain generator on
4 Noise in PCG
5 Conway's Game Of Life
6 RaoDaoZao's blog
7 Flood filling
8 Bresenham's line drawing algorithm
9 Voronoi diagrams
10 Publication on Growth-based floor plan generation
11 Modular level design on Skyrim
12 Several PCG techniques, including L-systems
Trees from L-Systems
13 Markov-generated music
14 Random tree scattering
15 Modular design on Skyrim
16 The Sims (lower the volume before clicking)
Tiled terrain before normal smoothing
Room growth
City plan using Binary Space Partitioning
White noise becoming cave rooms after 4 passes
Lego City plates
Examples of mutations in the Game Of Life
Islands from cellular automaton
Set of mesh with their texture variants
Modular straight walls and corners
Island and water polygons on a relaxed Voronoi diagram
L-System generated tree
Markov Chain diagram
2D white noise, aka TV snow
Markov-made platforms and landscape